Brick – ein Projekt des California Institute of Arts

Wer:          Jordan Hochenbaum & Owen Vallis

Wann:       Mo., 22.06.2009; 15:30 - 16:00

Wo:            Kino



In this paper, we will show how the development of a multi-touch project, Bricktable, is made possible through the use of open-source communities and tools. By using open-source technologies, the Bricktable project both benefits from, and contributes to the larger open-source community. Although initially, we lacked the specialized skills required to prototype a multi-touch interface, access to experts work within the open-source community facilitated the completion of the first project, Weather Report. Through subsequent work, researching the musical applications of multi-touch interfaces, Bricktable has itself been able to become an open resource for others. We provide examples of several different Bricktable projects which would not have been possible without access to open-source tools.



Owen Vallis received his Bachelors in Music Technology from California Institute of the Arts and was recently accepted into a Ph.D program at Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand in order to continue his studies. Owen is pursuing his passion for music in technology, whether that be in composing his own music, producing other artists, or developing new and exciting music technologies.

Jordan Hochenbaum is a multi-instrumentalist and recently received his bachelors in the Musical Arts Program at California Institute of the Arts. Soon to begin his Ph.D studies at Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand, he is pursuing his interests in both music and technology, researching and designing custom musical interfaces. Enriched from his experiences at CalArts, he looks forward to spending his life pursuing music and technology.


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